I did not work by the Christian Rationalist Doctrine, I had not the happiness to get to know it and I could not; but my spirit as I was always a fighter, that faced difficult situations, I have known how to take advantage and how to improve. So today I work in the Higher Astral Pleiad… Martin Luther King Jr.

Message from AUGUSTO MESSIAS DE BURGOS received at the spiritualist meeting on 02/01/2024

Every human being carries in their perispirit records of what happened and what still happens in the school world of Earth.

Those beings who are still incarnated feel the attractions of the terrestrial world, however, with great weight, like the energies emanated by ignorance which, although still found on this school planet, are very large, but here are the energies that the Superior Astral releases all days through these meetings, to make life easier for all those connected to the currents of good.

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Psychic Cleansing
Mediums who work in the upper line of elevated thoughts feel more strongly and must feel, yes, also with consistency in order to know how to select and manage their thoughts lightly.

There are mediums who, through indoctrination, ascend to distant levels, attracting spirits of Light who, through the opportunity of these currents, arrive not only to spread their beneficial fluids, but also, to place intuitions in each person to be able to clarify the necessary causes of what they are experiencing. passing through these causes, my friends, often already recorded in your perispirit, there is an opportunity for the Superior Astral to do this reading and re-reading so that they can harmonize themselves through good thoughts, positive thoughts to the creatures that need this refreshment that now comes from the superior worlds.

We here at the Superior Astral feel proud for this opportunity to be communicating in a safe chain, a current of Light that, if every being could feel and see the amount of harmony spread across the Earth and the Universe, you would feel elated and grateful for to be participating in such a beautiful meeting at this moment.

Message from AUGUSTO MESSIAS DE BURGOS received at the spiritualist meeting on 02/01/2024 - By "Grupo Espiritualismo Racional, Cientifico Cristão" (Rational Spiritualism Group, Christian Scientist)