I did not work by the Christian Rationalist Doctrine, I had not the happiness to get to know it and I could not; but my spirit as I was always a fighter, that faced difficult situations, I have known how to take advantage and how to improve. So today I work in the Higher Astral Pleiad… Martin Luther King Jr.

Social morals and self-education – by Luiz de Mattos

Activities in this planet are varied and many are the ways by which evolution is processed.

Equal possibilities are not available to everyone but, above all, what really matters is to dignify the meaning of life, even though engaged in the roughest, humblest jobs.

Social morals are characterised by high spiritual values, uncompromising support of sound behaviour, and effective exercise of healthy habits.

Each people has its own concept of life. But the further we proceed, the more we advance on the road to civilisation, the safer, the stronger the precepts of morals and honour prove to be. This applies especially to the home, the formation of which is - an indeclinable duty of every citizen, as explained in Chapter XIV which deals with the family.

Man's education is not restricted to childhood, when the role of parents is paramount.

In adulthood, when man is already prepared to be his own guide, he should collect the greatest possible amount of experience through observation and the witnessing of events around him or of which he hears.

Success or failure of others, the causes of their joys or sorrows, are valuable lessons. Everyone should benefit from such examples in order to avoid incurring the same mistakes which caused pain and loss to others, and to take the same roads that led others to success and well-being.

If man feels debased in the eyes of his fellow-men, by doing something which reveals lack of morals or good principles, the more so would he feel is his spiritual awareness were alert and watchful to appreciate and analyse the extent of wrongful actions.

The existence of various social levels on Earth is partly justified not only by the fact that is a school-world but also by shortcomings in the education of its inhabitants.

An individual who is inadequately brought up restricts his field of action to the level in which he lives, and becomes undesirable in the higher levels of upbringing. Hence the need for man to spare no efforts to improve his social conditions, thus helping to raise the degree of morals in our planet.

Social morals and self-education