Christian Rationalism -
having in mind no other idea, intention, or interest but to awaken mankind to
the reality of life - proposes to give man the knowledge he needs to overcome
spiritual darkness which is so damaging and harmful to his evolution.
Because Christian Rationalism is a school of spiritualization, not a religion, it has neither gods nor worshippers.
As souls free from
sectarian slavery, the followers of Christian Rationalism have learned to trust
themselves, their spiritual power and their will power to fight and win.
Therefore, they are not
worshippers, beggars, or chronic complainers. They all know that stumbling
blocks appear at every step of life's way but that it is possible to overcome
them with the moral resources at their disposal.
This book teaches that
each spirit is a minute fraction of Universal Intelligence in the process of
evolution. It also shows that the Universe is composed of Force and Matter and
that Force, which drives and moves all bodies, fills Infinite Space.
Force is presented in
this book under a common terminology: Force, Universal Intelligence or still,
Great Focus.
Force is the word used to
indicate its association with Matter, whereas Great Focus is employed to mean
the Universal Agent, in its infinite conception. They are, however, synonymous,
and have similar meanings.
No one, no matter how
much of a sophist he or she may be, will imply the slightest connection between
the two terms above and the word 'god' which is already so discredit by the
mean and materialistic sense imparted to it by all religious worshippers.
It is not possible to
express the infinite grandeur of an absolute value by using words of relative
meaning such as those of the everyday vocabulary.
Great Focus or Force have
been adopted due to the lack of more descriptive words, although they do not
convey the full reality of its meaning.
Great Focus conveys an
idea of light and also of intense brilliance.
The word 'Great', with a
capital 'G', means Total. It is no doubt an accessible expression to those who
cannot yet penetrate too abstract matters.
Those who are really interested in the study of
this transcendentally important subject will find the material they need to
arrive at a perfect judgement in the chapter titled “Force and Matter”.
Awakening to reality
by Luiz de Mattos
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by Luiz de Mattos
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